The Olive
supporting small charities
and social enterprises

The Olive Training and Consultancy is a social enterprise supporting small charities, voluntary sector organisations, and other social enterprises to remain purpose-aligned and to progress their missions and objectives.

I am an experienced facilitator, trainer and consultant providing support in areas including communications, strategy development, project development, staff development, impact and learning, and change management. 

I am to strengthen and support the development of skills, services and processes, and often support with development projects that have been on the agenda for a while, but never quite made it to the top. There can be many reasons for this - it may be due to limited capacity or resources, lack of headspace to really get into it, or just not knowing where to start. I can support you to overcome these barriers, and enable your organisation to make progress against its aims and objectives, becoming more efficient, purpose-driven, and impactful.

Areas I can support with include:
- Strategic development, including facilitating strategy sessions, reviewing organisational purpose and direction, articulating values, 
- Project design and planning, including creating efficiencies, 
- Communications, focusing on branding, key language and messaging, and website (re)development,  
- Development of an impact and learning framework, 
- Staff support (including coaching and mentoring), 
- Senior capacity
- Change management, including restructures and exploring options to increase sustainability. 

To find out more, please see the Services page.

If you are interested in facilitation, training or consultancy, please get in touch to discuss how The Olive can support you and your organisation. 

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